02 May 2009

What makes it slow to realize the severity of climate change?

‘Global Warming’ has been a hot issue for all over the world recently. In spite of warning from governments and some scientific associations, however, it takes long time for people to make a proper solution for this problem. Why is it this much slow? As far as I’m concerned, they have two good reasons.

First of all, people are not desperate. Even though they might feel little climate change, people cannot see “real problems” directly. Because a lot of important people, who are supposed to move and change world, are living in the cities. The visible problems are, however, actually lying on the desert or the polar region. Things have been changing a lot in those areas. Thousands of tribesmen are threatened by desertification. Hunters living in Iceland are losing their jobs–Global Warming made wild polar animals extinct–and menacing melting down glaciers are killing natives. People in big cities never realize these critical situations unless they look for some documentary films about climate change. Until they find it is a problem directly related to their lives, finding the solution would be still unsuccessful.

Secondly, people became so lazy to abandon convenient technologies, even though these new technologies are accelerating Global Warming. CO2 gas is the main reason of this phenomenon, and it is emitted from consuming coal and gas, which is also used to provide fascinating lifestyle of us. People just cannot give up the whole convenient skills and try hard to delay ‘No-more-coal-or-gas Era’ for finding alternative fuel, which has not been successful for decades.

In conclusion, people are not really ready to start considering the solution of Global Warming. In my opinion, however, people should get out of their dreaming and realize the severity of circumstance. This realization would be a big step toward an ‘Anti-Global Warming’ movement.

1 comment:

  1. Well done assignment! Here are my comments:

    Structure: You have a good structure on your article. It follows a red thread and you are starting with a good introduction and closing with a faultless closure. Perfect!

    Content: Overall you have some good points. But I can not agree with you that governments have warned us enough. I totally agree you that people seem too be lazy and that they don’t want to realize the climate problems.

    Language: Your language is good though it’s sometimes hard to get your content because you are “jumping” between different thoughts in your text.

    Kind Regards
