10 May 2009

The grading of children in primary school is good or bad?

In many Korean primary schools, teachers evaluate students by their grades. Some people think that it is unfair and one-sided to judge children by grades and it might discourage some students. I believe, however, grades make them learn more. The reasons for this can be analyzed as follows.

First of all, grades could let children learn something properly. Attending classes is not enough for students to learn the subjects no matter how much they concentrate. To get a better grade, they would like to be more prepared to exams. To do like that they need to review the lessons and remind their memory once more. From this process, they could learn the subjects by their hearts.

Secondly, grades could be standard measurements to figure out the knowledge level of each child. When people are younger, they tend to put interest to only one thing which they like most. Because of this, there could be some students who are only good at just one subject. As a normal person, however, everyone needs to have common knowledge about every subject from primary school curriculum. To find out the level of knowledge, children’s grades for subjects could be very helpful. With grades, teachers could know each student’s weak subject.

Thirdly, grades could also give children the feeling of success. When they get high grades thorough hard work, students may think that they make a great achievement. This feeling of success would encourage students to study harder and harder. At the same time, the successes in schools could lead students to find chances to succeed in society.

In conclusion, grades help students to study properly, be evaluated correctly and feel great from their success, which is a high grade. For these good reasons, I firmly believe that grades are good for each and every child.

1 comment:

  1. Content and structure:
    As always, the structure is flawless. You make great use of transitions, topic sentences, thesis statement, etc. Your conclusion sums up the argument and re-states your opinion. Well done!

    Your language is also good, but there are some weaknesses as well.
    -Prepositions can be really tricky! Students would like to be more prepared "for exams", not "to exams" (paragraph 2).
    -The phrase "remind their memory" is a bit awkward. Try to rephrase!
    -To learn something "by heart" is the correct expression.

    On the whole - well done!
