15 April 2009

What is my favorite TV series and what makes me like it?

For your information, I’m really addicted to American TV series such as Grey’s anatomy, Desperate Housewives, The O.C, CSI, Gossip girl, America’s next top model, Project runway and so on. These American TV series are very popular in South Korea as well as in Europe. Almost every young people in Korea have been into at least one of American dramas or soaps. And I’m not an exception. This might be because there are many differences between Korean and American TV series. Today I’d like to write some fascinating characteristics of one of my favorite American TV series, ‘the Desperate Housewives’, comparing to Korean TV series.

Above all, the most attractive feature of the Desperate Housewives is that no one can figure out what would happen next. There is always something else going on behind the scene. Therefore the situation now could reverse itself in anytime. For example, Mrs. McCluskey was seemed to be a normal wicked old lady on neighbor, but it turns out that she has been hiding her husband’s dead body in her basement for living on his pension. This story was really shocking, but very much interesting as well. In Korea, on the other hand, most TV series has typical plot, the good would succeed and the bad would fail in the end, and everyone can guess the next episode. Surprisingly, however, people keep watching those series even though they know the ending. I guess every TV series has its own charm.

Furthermore, those housewives have their distinct personalities. And they all are very lovable and understandable. Brie is a traditional American housewife who can do everything, like cooking, baking and gardening. She is very strict to every single thing, but generous to her loving family and friends. Gabriel is a young shopaholic housewife who was a famous model. She is very mean to strangers, but cares about her close friends. Lynette is a wise mother. She is the only one who can control the evil twins. Her life became little bit pathetic after she gave up her golden job, but she knows how to live happily. Susan always causes trouble because of her carelessness. She is very socialized and attractive woman even though she is sometimes annoying. Each of these four women is not perfect at all, but they are perfect together. That’s why these characters are lovable in spite of their defects. In Korean TV series, the evil characters have just evil personalities. They never can be understandable, which is very pathetic actually.

These two are the main reason why I love to watch American TV series as well as ‘the Desperate Housewives’. However, I’m not always watching American ones. I’m also a big fan of British classic dramas, Japanese animation and of course my own country’s TV series. These TV programs have been a part of my life one way or another even though I didn’t realize that I am like that.

11 April 2009

What experiences should children of the world have as they grow up?

Almost every people has own memory from their childhood. Whether the memory is good or not, it could affect their whole life one way or another. As this childhood is very important, grown ups ought to take good care of their children. In my point of view, there are three critical things that are necessary for children. I’d like to introduce these experiences to you as follows.
First of all, children should be close to the nature. When I was younger, my family lived in the country side. I spent most of my childhood in the small town. This old town had beautiful scenery, like breathtaking mountains and valleys. Of course there was no pollution, unlike a big city. Me and my friends were so healthy and had an out going personality. When my family moved to a big city, however, I realized that there were a lot of children who suffered from diseases, like the atopic allergy and had introvert personality not in a good way. As the proverb goes, the sound body has the sound mind. If your children are close to the nature, they would get healthy body and then this healthy body would help your kids to think in healthy ways.
Second of all, grown ups should travel with their children as much as they can. People who never travel and have lived in just one place might have a very narrow sight toward the world. Children must know that there are another world outside which is very different from their own world. People who has broaden mind are more likely to have insight which is very helpful for keeping the harmony with others. Traveling around would help your children learn a lot of things and get out of their own bubbles or eggs. Therefore they could be more mature.
Finally, children should hang out with their friends instead of being alone playing video games. There are so many children addicted to video games and the computer recently. Those kids could overlook how much important their real friends are. In childhood, hanging out with a group of children of their age means a lot to each of them, because it helps them to learn how to socialize. As a human-being, socializing is one of significant things to survive in this world. Not knowing the skills for dealing with social problem, your children could be left behind.
I believe firmly what I wrote above would be very much useful for many parents to raise their children in a proper way. For children, being healthy and extrovert, having a broad view toward the world and learning how to socialize is very essential. And these three things would let your kids have much happier childhood memory, which could influence their whole life.